Caversham Health Club by iST Fitness terms & conditions

To help you get the best out of Caversham Health Club and to understand our responsibilities to you and your responsibilities to us, please read these terms and conditions. When signing up as a member or using services of the club you are accepting all the terms and conditions listed in this agreement.

1. Member and Guest Responsibilities

1.1.  Every person who signs the membership application or registers as a customer at the club will be jointly and individually responsible under this agreement.

1.2. You must keep to the rules and regulations for using facilities.

1.3. Members must be 14+ to join. If under 16 a parent/ or guardian must supervise them at all times. Caversham Health Club ltd withholds the right to change or remove the offer at any time.

1.4. A health screening form (par-q) and liability form is required to be completed and signed before purchasing a membership and using the facilities. You will also be required to provide a valid form of photographic ID.

1.5. Lockers are available for use by members and guests of the club whilst using the facilities. Leaving belongings in lockers overnight when not using the facility is not permitted. Locker checks will be conducted every evening upon closing and if belongings are left these will be kept safely and securely in lost property for the owner to collect.

1.6. Only Personal trainers employed by Caversham Health Club ltd are permitted to carry out or offer services such as personal training or 1-2-1 sessions with members within the facility. Only Instructors employed by Caversham Health Club Ltd are covered by the company’s Insurance to carry out such service. Any member suspected or seen soliciting any of the above services to members within the facility will have their membership terminated and may face further legal action. If sufficient evidence is provided the member may face a fine, in order to reimburse the club of any potential loss of business or any other costs incurred. This is to ensure the exclusivity and quality of the personal training sessions carried out within the facility and the health and safety of our members.

1.7. From time to time, we may will need to contact you about your membership, so it is important you let us know if your address, contact phone number or email address changes.

2. Monthly Memberships

2.1. When signing up to our monthly memberships you will be required to make an initial payment upfront which will include any pro rate calculated for the month, along with any joining fee that is applicable. The minimum term of a monthly membership is 3 whole months (excluding any prorated period after the 4th of the month). You will not be able to cancel or serve notice during this period. Only after your minimum term is complete can you give written notice of 30 days to terminate. This means the total minimum length of any monthly membership would be 4 months. (excluding any prorated month). Please see 2.3

2.2. Monthly memberships are paid on the 1st of every month by direct debit via Gocardless. Any late or missing payments will result in your Membership being suspended until this is corrected, and a late payment fee may be incurred.

2.3. A member can upgrade or downgrade a monthly membership providing the minimum term of 3 months has been served. An upgrade can be actioned anytime during the month if the applicable membership fees are paid. Alternatively the membership can be upgraded from the 1st of the following month. A member may downgrade their membership on the 1st of the following month and must be requested before the 15th of the month. Please note, if you upgrade or downgrade you start a new monthly contract where a new minimum term will apply.

3. Freezing Your Membership

3.1. You may temporarily freeze any monthly membership for up and not exceeding a period of 3 whole months.

3.2. Unless you obtain our prior written agreement, you may extend the period of any membership freeze.

3.3. Freezing your membership is not the same as cancelling your membership. Freezing is a temporary suspension during this time you will not be able to use the facilities. If your membership is frozen and you decide you do wish to cancel, your 30days notice will be served at your full membership rate. To cancel your membership you must follow the procedure described in section 4.

3.4. If you want to freeze your membership, you can request us to do so in writing. You can only freeze your membership once the minimum term has been served. For Monthly memberships your request must be made on or before the 15th day of the month so we can apply this from the first of the following month.

3.5. If we receive your request in accordance with section 3.4 and agree to freeze your membership we will do so with effect from the first day of the following month. We cannot freeze it from an earlier date and will not refund any monthly fees paid before your membership was frozen.

3.6. When you request us to freeze your membership, you will need to tell us when you plan to resume your membership and return to the club, although your membership can start again before this date if you let the club know. We will automatically start your membership again along with any payments due.

3.7. We will not charge you membership fees while your membership is frozen, although a monthly fee of £10 for single memberships and £20 for joint memberships is applicable. This will ensure, in the event we reach maximum capacity your space at the club remains.

3.8. If you wish to freeze a joint membership both members must be frozen, at the same time and must become unfrozen at the same time. A monthly fee of £20 is applicable please refer to section 3.7 for further details.

4. Ending Your monthly membership

4.1. We require one month’s written notice if you wish to end your membership, after you have served the minimum term's contract of 3 months (excluding any prorated period). In the event your membership is frozen at the time you serve notice, the freeze will end and your full membership fees will be payable for the notice period, where you will be able to use the club services and facilities during this time. You must continue to pay your full membership fees until your membership ends.

4.2. If you have given written notice on your monthly membership after the 4th day of the month we will treat it as if we received it on the first day of the following month and the notice period will run from that day. Your membership will cease at the end of the month and you will no longer have access to the club and its services.

4.3. Notice must be given in writing.

4.4. We will confirm we have received your notice within 10 days of receiving it. If you do not receive this confirmation within 10 days, you must immediately let us know so we can check whether we have received it.

4.5. Failure to give notice or cancelling your membership payment will hold you liable for 1 month’s membership and a £50 admin charge.

4.6. If we need to give notice to you:

4.6.1. We will send it to the address or email address we have in the records we hold about you; and

4.6.2. If we give notice during a month, our notice period will run from the first day of the following month.

5. Discounted Prepaid 12 month memberships

5.1. With this payment option you commit to being a member for 12 full calendar months and to paying all your membership fees upfront along with any joining fees applicable when you join or renew. In return you will receive a discount on your membership fee. We will endeavour to contact you near the end of the 12 calendar month period to let you know that your commitment period is coming to an end; and

5.2.1. If you commit for a further 12 full calendar months in exchange for a discount, the membership fee for the next 12 full calendar months may have changed. We will tell you this before you commit again; and

5.2.2. Under this payment option, during your 12-month commitment period you will not be able to downgrade to a lower level of membership, and you will not be able to cancel your membership during this period.

5.3. If you choose a particular payment option and decide to upgrade your membership, you must pay any extra fees which apply.

5.4. You cannot Freeze this membership option. Only in exceptional circumstances will this be allowed for the following reasons:

5.4.1. Pregnancy

5.4.2. Serious illness

5.4.3. Serious injury

5.4.4. Redundancy

We may require you to produce proof which is satisfactory to us to approve any freeze. If approved, we will extend your membership period by the number of full calendar months your membership has been frozen for. Normal freeze terms will apply if this is the case. Please refer to all of section 3 for normal freeze terms. If we increase our prices during the period when your membership is frozen, you will have to pay any new prices that apply to your membership type when your membership resumes.

6. Our Rights to Terminate Your Membership

6.1. We will not tolerate our staff or other members being verbally abused or intimidated or being physically threatened. If we find this to be the case we have the right to report you to the police, ban you immediately and permanently and to cancel your entire membership.

6.2. We may also cancel your entire membership in the following circumstances:

6.2.1. If you break this membership agreement or the rules and you do not or cannot put it right within seven days of us writing to you about it.

6.2.2. If you use rude or abusive language or behaves or threatens to behave in a violent or aggressive way.

6.2.3. If we receive any complaint about your behaviour.

6.2.4. If you do not pay your membership fee when it is due.

6.2.5. If we suspect you are in breach of section 1.6.

6.2.6. If we cancel your membership for any of the reasons in section 6 we have the right to keep a proportion of the money you have paid under this agreement to cover any reasonable costs we have had to pay. We will also not accept any future applications you make for membership.

7. Changing Your Membership Fees and this Agreement

7.1. We may increase membership fees automatically each year by up to either 1% above the rate of inflation according to the Retail Prices Index or 3%, whichever is higher. If we do this, the new fees will come into force on 1 January each year.

7.2. If we plan to increase the membership fees by more than the higher of these amounts, we will make every reasonable effort to give you at least one month’s notice. We will give you written notice of the change to your registered email on file.

7.3. As well as the increase described in 7.1 above, we have the right to increase membership fees at any time to take account of any increase in the rate of VAT. We will make every reasonable effort to give you one month’s notice of the increase (either in writing or by displaying a sign on the noticeboard in our facilities).

8. Making Changes to the Facilities, Services and Activities

8.1. If we decide to change the location of our facility or permanently close we will make every reasonable effort to provide at least three months’ notice.

8.2. We have the right to increase, reduce or withdraw certain facilities, services or activities either permanently or temporarily.

8.3. We will display the opening and closing times of the club at reception. Opening times may vary during Bank Holidays, we will inform you of any changes.

8.4. Any promotions of specials offers are subject to availability and can be reversed or withdrawn at any point. Additional T&C’s will apply to all promotions and special offers. Please see Promotional T&C’s displayed on our website for further details. Normal T&C’s still apply.

9. Classes, Personal training sessions and massage services

9.1. A health screening form (par-q) and liability form needs to be completed before signing up or attending any class or service provided at the club and if needed we will contact you to discuss health conditions/injuries (if any). Always consult your GP or medical practitioner if needed before using any of our services.

9.2. Pre-booking is required for any massage/treatment service. A deposit will be required upon booking .Please see our treatment room price list for information on available services. Treatments are available to members and non members. You must be over 18 to book any of these services.

9.3. All Classes In studio, online and on demand, unless specified, are included in our Unlimited Club Memberships. Club memberships do not include classes but are available to members to purchase for an additional fee per class. Reformer Pilates Classes are an additional cost, and can be purchased per class, or per discounted blocks. Alternatively, our specified iST Reform Memberships are available. PAYG classes or blocks are only available for members or member’s guests who purchase a day pass.

9.4. Buying a Discounted Block of 10 Reformer Class passes (12-week expiry). Class Blocks are per person; they cannot be shared or transferred. Blocks cannot be extended. If you are unable to train due to illness, injury or other medical reasons, we will extend the expiry of blocks on receipt of a note from your doctor, consultant, physio, midwife or other medical professional.

9.5. PAYG ONLINE Classes. A single ONLINE class drop in can be booked and paid for online with a 31day expiry.

9.6. Access to our video on demand library is included in all Unlimited memberships. We also offer a monthly online only membership that gives you access to any live online classes and our video on demand library of recorded classes.

9.7. Online Classes. During an online class the instructor will mute all participants upon commencement of the class. Do feel free to say hello and speak with your instructor when entering the online session. It is your choice whether you have your camera on or off but we recommend to get the best experience having your camera on so your instructor can see you and give you any relevant feedback/if needed during the live class. From time to time technical issues may arise out of our control. We will always do our best to rectify the matter. Unfortunately, no refunds can be applied to monthly memberships in the event a technical problem arises. If individual online classes have been purchased these may be eligible to be transferred to another online class, providing it does not exceed its expiry date.

9.8. Taking Part in Classes or Sessions. When taking part in classes or sessions (online, in person or on demand) you do so at your own risk. Please ensure you consult with your gp or the relevant health care professional if needed before taking part.

9.9. Class Bookings. We kindly ask that you book and reserve a place in specific class in advance online, via TeamUp/iST Fitness member App or with reception.

9.10. The Booking Window will open 1 hour before the class time, 7 days in advance.

9.11. Waiting list procedure. In the unfortunate event the class you would like to attend is full you can book on to the waitlist for the class. The waitlist will automatically book you on the class in order of your position on the list.

9.12. 4 hour’s prior to the class start time the system will start to “offer” the space to each person on the wait list, in order of your position and you will have to accept and book the space if you still require it within 30 minutes, if not, it will be offered to the next member. (this is to ensure, closer to the class time you are not automatically allocated a space without realising and marked as a no show, and everyone on the waitlist has a fair chance of getting a space). We continue to monitor class numbers and popularity, so we can put on additional classes if full capacity is regularly reached.

10. Cancelling Classes or Sessions

10.1. At least 4 hours’ notice is required if you wish to cancel your class booking but we encourage all members to cancel as soon as they know the space is no longer required to allow anyone on the waiting list to be booked on. Any cancellation after this time will be viewed as a late cancellation. If you late cancel 4 or more times in 30 calendar days you will be automatically charged a £5 fee. This is to ensure a fair booking and cancelation procedure is followed by all members. If you have pre-paid PAYG class pass (online or in studio) you will have a credit to use on another class within the 31day expiry window, providing you cancel at least 4 hour’s before. Unfortunately, no refunds will be given.

10.2. If you simply do not cancel or fail to let us know you can no longer attend a class a £2 charge will automatically be charged.

10.3. For personal training sessions please provide your trainer with no less than 24hrs notice for the cancellation of your session in which you will be able to reschedule. Any notice less than 24hrs will result in the loss of your session, or in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of your trainer they may be rescheduled. Personal training sessions require pre-payment. Please note a single session expires after 31 days and Blocks expire after 3 months.

10.4. For massage treatments/services we require a minimum of 24hrs notice to reschedule or cancel your appointment. We reserve the right to retain any deposits paid to cover any expenses should you fail to cancel within our notification window /or fail to attend your booked appointment. If you wish to cancel your appointment and you have given more than 24 hours notice and you have paid a deposit a refund can be issued or any deposits paid to remain on account for future bookings to be completed within 31 days of the original booking. If you have made the booking using a gift voucher, the deposit value shall be charged to the voucher. Failure to comply with our policies or failure to complete your par-q/health questionnaire in advance of your appointment will result in your appointment being cancelled and treated as a late cancelation with the above policy applying. Please arrive at least 5mins before your treatment time, if you arrive late the treatment will not run over and you will receive the treatment inside the agreed booking slot.

10.5. On the rare occasion that your instructor cannot teach a class, we will organize another teacher to cover the class. If there is no cover the class will be cancelled. If you are using a PAYG class pass you will be issued a class credit to use for another class.

10.6. All mats and fitness equipment are provided when participating in person, unless you want to bring your own mat. Online and on demand sessions sometimes require your own equipment. Please be mindful when booking a class that may require equipment. A comfortable mat or a towel is recommended for most online classes, and your instructor will advise you if you need any other equipment.

11. Complaints

11.1. If you have any questions or if you have any complaints, please contact us or speak to a member of the team or Club manager. You can contact us by emailing us at If you wish to contact us in writing, or if any clause in these terms requires you to give us notice in writing you can send this to us by email to Caversham Health Club ltd at We will confirm receipt of this by contacting you by email.

12. Liability

12.1. We do not accept liability for damage or loss to your property or a guest’s property that may happen on the premises or within the grounds, other than the liability which arises from our negligence or our failure to take reasonable care.

12.2. We do not accept liability for the injury or death of any member, child or guest that may happen on the premises or within the grounds, other than the liability which arises from our negligence or our failure to take reasonable care.

12.3. Nothing in these terms and conditions is meant to limit any rights you might have as a consumer.

13. Data Protection

13.1. We will deal with all information we hold about you in line with our privacy policy which is accessible on our website or available from reception. If you want to know what information we hold about you, or you want us to correct any information we hold about you, the appropriate procedures are set out in our privacy policy.

Please note Caversham Health Club ltd reserve the right to change and update these T&C’s at anytime, please ensure you regularly check via the website or through our booking software, before purchasing any service.